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Del Baix Ebre-Montsià olive oil: transparent and clear olive oil

Del Baix Ebre-Montsià olive oilDel Baix Ebre-Montsià olive oil is extracted from fully fresh olives of three different varieties. Morrut, Farga, and Sevillenca are the three varieties and this three are native varieties from which the olive oil is extracted using mechanical methods. All of the characteristics including the aroma, flavor and taste of the Del Baix Ebre-Montsià olive oil remain same. This olive oil clear, transparent and there is no cloudiness. The location and harvesting season of the olives can make some changes in the color in the olive oil. Golden yellow and greenish yellow are two different color variations of this olive oil.

At the beginning of the harvesting season, Del Baix Ebre-Montsià olive oil remains very much aromatic and flavorsome. But, at the finishing edge of the harvesting season, the taste becomes sweeter. The maximum amount of acidity in this olive oil is recorded 0.8%. This amount of acid is not fatty acid, it’s just oleic acid. In, Spain farmers plant this olive trees keeping balanced density. Generally 70-80 olive trees are allowed in per hectare. Traditional method of growing olive trees is common for these olive trees. For easy harvesting and fruit supervising farmers use pruning method. Another privilege of pruning method is it helps to remove old wood from the olive trees. Taking good care of the olives will ensure good quality Del Baix Ebre-Montsià olive oil.

For the harvesting method, farmers use milking method so that they can manually pick up the fruits from the trees. After picking up the fruits from the trees, they are taken to the mills for extraction. Plastic crates are used to carry the fruits. When the fruits are fully ripen, then the farmers pickup them. All the ways of this process, workers always remains very cautious for keeping the Del Baix Ebre-Montsià olive oil quality unchanged. In the mill, the olives are classified into batches for differentiating the quality. After picking up the olives from the trees, the olives will be taken into the crusher within 48 hours to keep the Del Baix Ebre-Montsià olive oil quality up for the customers.

Del Baix Ebre-Montsià olive oilWhen the Del Baix Ebre-Montsià olive oil extraction is completed, in five liters pots will be used for packaging. The climate of this place is Mediterranean. Average temperature and mild winter are very much helpful for perfect growing of these olives. This climate increases the speed of ripening the olives and this area also has worldwide reputation for growing olives. Modern treatment and techniques are used for developing Del Baix Ebre-Montsià olive oil quality.

Del Baix Ebre-Montsià olive oil is cultivated from the olives of the oldest olive growing place of the world. In the province of Tarragona, more than 48,000 hectares of land is engaged in Del Baix Ebre-Montsià olive oil producing. Mode of production can affect the taste and quality of the olive oil. Sometimes shaking down method is used for taking all the olive down from the trees of the orchards.

Pomace olive oil- preserve properly and use quickly

pomace olive oil Pomace olive oil can be two types one is from the crude olive and another is from exhausted olive. Pomace olive oil which is crude is nature is made of crushed olive kernel which contained twenty five percent of water and some quantity of olive oil. This pomace gets spoiled quickly as this has twenty five percent of water. The exhausted olive pomace is different from the crude one. This pomace contain lower oil as well as lower water as it has got dehydrated in the time of extraction procedure.

Pomace olive oil is very much helpful to meet up the necessarily of our body. This is very high in mineral, vitamin as well as other important substance which is very much essential for our body. Knowing this importance many people want to preserve pomace of olive. As this contain some portion of water this is much prone to rotten. So if you want to preserve this you have to maintain some rules.

pomace olive oil The major problem of preserving the pomace olive oil is this is relatively very high with water content as well as it also has a large amount of oil in it. If it gets exposed to air this pomace of olive become rancid as well as unfit for consumption. Crude and the exhausted olive pomace can be stored for different times. Exhausted olive pomace can be stored for more time than the crude one. This has been approximated that crude pomace olive oil is gained by centrifugation, deteriorate after four or five days, being wetter so this pomance can be stored only for forty five days. Alternatively the exhausted olive pomance can be stored for more than a year as this has got dehydrated in the time of extraction processing.

In this time the process of dehydration is very costly as this process need a huge amount of energy. So the price of the exhausted pomace olive oil is much high. The exhausted pomace olive oil has less oil in it than the crude one. The crude pomace is very high in their quality as this does not go through any kind of process. The amount of oil as well as the natural preservative is very high in this pomace. So that crude pomace needs not any preservative. But the exhausted olive pomance need. So it is better to use crude pomace than the exhausted one.

No matter whether you want to use crude or exhausted pomace olive oil both are very much prone to rotten if it cannot be preserved properly. The air as well as the water is the enemy of pomace olive oil. Though you will be able to extent the time of pomance of olive by preserving it properly but it is better to use it quickly as much as you can. The more time you will preserve the quality of this pomance will reduce. You will now get pomace of olive in almost all the shop. Spanish olives pomance is best in quality. So preserve pomace properly and use it quickly.