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Date: from 4 to 8 March 2013


Participants of Virgin olive oil sensory analysis course will acquire extensive knowledge on the various attributes positive and / or negative virgin olive oil, as well as knowing the most important varieties of Spanish olive panorama, setting thresholds and use of differing scales in accordance with regulations existing international.


Virgin olive oil sensory analysis course

At the end of the Virgin olive oil sensory analysis course course the training participants will be able to know the different types of oils that exist in the market and know their process and their characteristics. Students will be able to analyze, identify, describe and quantify the strengths and weaknesses of virgin olive oils.


Participation in work. To take the course, contact the Association for the Quality Control of the oils of the region of the VIRGIN OLIVE OIL SENSORY ANALYSIS COURSE OF PDO Priego de Cordoba.


Tasting Panel of Protected Denomination of Origin Priego de Cordoba.


Be developed in the form of attendance for four hours a day in the afternoon from 16:00 to 20:00.


What is extra virgin olive oil? Top ten for a healthy diet

What is extra virgin olive oil? This is a top ten product, an essential element for the Mediterranean diet and a basic ingredient for your health.

What is extra virgin olive oil? This is a question that maybe some of you have asked when referring to the ideal ingredient for salads or toast, but really not everybody in the world has a clear idea about this product’s composition or benefits. Evoo is the base for the Mediterranean diet and a clear example of health presented as golden liquid.What is extra virgin olive oil

Anyway, if you ask this question, what is extra virgin olive oil? anywhere in Spain, probably everybody will give a quite accurate answer, as it is a really well-known and popular product here. However, in some other countries this concept could be simply enigmatic. Extra virgin olive oil or Evoo, to be short, is a high-quality vegetable oil whose antioxidant proportion makes it the king of Mediterranean diet and the prince of the Spanish most ancestral traditions in gastronomy.

Which is the difference between ordinary olive oil, virgin olive oil and extra virgin olive oil? Of course, quality, as usual. Particularly, what is extra virgin olive oil? It is the olive oil attaining the best quality standards in this area, not just concerning composition and taste, but also regarding acidity and health benefits. In this sense, it is important to remember that Evoo is produced by using perfect maturity status olives, whose properties are the best among the best.

On the other hand, one of the commonest aspects being ascribed to Evoo is its exclusive character and its expensive price. Nevertheless, we are not used to comparing the real quality and this product’s price. So for the question what is extra virgin olive oil? some consumers provide a fixed reply: this is the type of vegetable oil I cannot afford. To this respect, some tests can be done to find a counterpart for such a common prejudice.

Evoo’s composition allows its properties to remain intact in spite of frying, grilling or baking processes. In fact, it doesn’t break down as easily as other oils, not to forget its texture and taste. So what is extra virgin olive oil? It is a mixture of special touch and magic flavour that make you save money and health.

Moreover, what is extra virgin olive oil from commercial viewpoint? It is the product you will start to find at all the supermarkets around the world, since it is the star product providing oleic acid, phenols and vitamin E whose consumption entails a direct positive effect against oxidation rate.

Concerning its health benefits, what is extra virgin olive oil and why is it so positive? No doubt, it is a key product, as it involves low-density lipoprotein levels, that is a notable decrease in oxidation. Therefore, it is a kind of preventive value tool.

In conclusion, what is extra virgin olive oil? The secret of ethernal youth for human cells and the best option for all kinds of recipes. And what is extra virgin olive oil for the Spanish culture? Its both, an emblem and a heritage.

Aceite de oliva en difusor de spray, nueva presentación

Aceite de oliva en difusor de spray. Consumir aceite de oliva y controlar las calorías es fácil: comodidad, salud y gusto para el paladar

olivia09-cookingAceite de oliva en difusor spray, una nueva presentación que constituye una de las innovaciones más recientes por lo que respecta al mercado de aceite de oliva. Tal vez se considere que este nuevo formato sólo implica un detalle sin trascendencia, pero el caso es que  permite controlar la ingesta de calorías incluidas en cada receta, sin olvidar la comodidad en cuanto al uso y la apariencia o textura que proporciona a ensaladas y otras especialidades gastronómicas.

Según indican algunos expertos, aplicar aceite de oliva en difusor de spray resulta muy beneficioso a efectos de aprovechar los beneficios del aceite de oliva, ya que la cantidad que se emplea se ve siempre reducida a una proporción mínima. A ese respecto, cuando se pulveriza un poco de aceite de oliva en una sartén o en la base de algún plato, los alimentos que se añaden adoptan un sabor especial, aunque el aporte calórico no se incremente.

Aceite de oliva en difusor de spray para aliñar y freír

La verdad es que se puede conseguir aceite de oliva light si se recurre al aceite de oliva en difusor de spray, a tu disposición en grandes almacenes o en tiendas especializadas. Sin embargo, otra opción consiste en adquirir el dispensador de aceite de oliva en el formato deseado y rellenarlo después con oro líquido. En cualquier caso, no importa el recipiente que se escoja en lugar de la típica botella de aceite de oliva, pues se trata de un producto de la máxima calidad que además se aplica en su justa medida.

Sin lugar a dudas, emplear aceite de oliva en difusor de spray para los platos preferidos resulta beneficioso para la salud y cómodo en la rutina diaria, por ejemplo para aliñar ensaladas o aderezar alimentos a la plancha. Por tanto, cocinar con aceite de oliva constituye una opción no sólo saludable sino también cargada de sabor.

Beneficios del aceite de oliva que se dispensan día a día

Desde el punto de vista psicológico, emplear aceite de oliva en difusor de spray es como dispensar salud día a día. De hecho, a tenor de los últimos estudios publicados, sabemos que el aceite de oliva, sobre todo el aceite de oliva virgen extra, se considera como uno de los productos estrella que se incluyen en la dieta Mediterránea. En ese sentido, se trata de una de las principales fuentes de antioxidantes, vitamina E y ácido oleico.

En consecuencia, utilizar aceite de oliva en un dispensador permitirá controlar la cantidad de grasas que se incluyen en la dieta, todo ello teniendo en cuenta que nos referimos a un aceite vegetal que se concibe científicamente como ácido graso monoinsaturado.

Aceite de oliva en difusor de spray como contador para la salud

En definitiva, la nueva presentación por lo que respecta al aceite de oliva en difusor de spray puede considerarse como una especie de contador para la salud, un dispositivo de control que se encuentra en tus manos. Eso sí, no se puede renunciar al sabor auténtico del aceite de oliva. Estás en tu derecho, puedes aderezar con aceite de oliva en difusor de spray y disfrutar  del placer y del buen gusto.

Olive oil sprayer, a new presentation for the olive oil market

Olive oil sprayer. You can use olive oil and control calorie proportion easily: comfort, health and good taste

olivia09-cookingOlive oil sprayer as a new presentation option constitutes one of the recent innovations in the olive oil market. You may think this new format is just a detail with no further significance, but the fact is that it allows us to control the calories included in each recipe, not to forget its comfort and the appearance it gives to salads and other gastronomy specialties.

According to experts, using an olive oil sprayer is helpful to find out the olive oil benefits with no extra fat, sice the amount of product you use is always reduced to the minimal extent. To this respect, when some olive oil is sprayed on a frying pan or a plate base, the meals added onto them will become tasty in a really special sense, but the calorie content will not be increased.

Olive oil sprayer for dressing and frying

Indeed, light olive oil is arranged just by resorting to an olive oil sprayer. This presentation option can be directly found in stores and specialised shops. However, you can also buy the olive oil dispenser in the format you prefer and fill it with the golden liquid. Anyway, whatever you choose instead of the typical olive oil bottle, the result will entail a high quality product applied in the proper amount.

Of course, using an olive oil sprayer on your favourite meals is beneficial for your health and comfortable in your daily routine, for example to dress a salad or for grilled meals. Therefore, cooking with olive oil is both a healthy possibility and a tasty choice.

Olive oil health benefits dispensed every day

From psychological viewpoint, using an olive oil sprayer is like dispensing health every day. Under the last studies we know that olive oil, and especially extra virgin olive oil, is considered to be one of the star products included in the Meditarranean diet. In this sense, it constitutes one of the main sources of antioxidants, vitamin E and oleic acid.

Consequently, if you use an olive oil dispenser, you will be able to control the amount of fat included in your diet, taking into account it is compounded by a vegetable oil scientifically conceived as a monoinsaturated fatty acid.

Olive oil sprayer as a health counter

Definitely, the new presentation in the form of olive oil sprayer can be considered as a kind of health counter, as the controlling device will be in your hands. Nevertheless, don’t give up enjoying the authentic olive oil flavour. Use an olive oil sprayer. It’s your right, it’s your taste pleasure.




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Comprar aceite de oliva, esencial para la salud

Comprar aceite de oliva virgen resulta esencial si la salud constituye un tema prioritario, pues el corazón y el estómago lo agradecerán

Aceite de oliva esencial para la salud      Comprar aceite de oliva virgen es posible en todas partes. Tal vez pienses que el enunciado anterior constituye únicamente un lema promocional empleado por cualquier empresa productora de aceite de oliva, pero lo cierto es que se trata de un hecho probado por parte de diversos colectivos de expertos. De todos modos, aquellos que tomen el famoso oro líquido en una ocasión, seguramente continuarán empleándolo en sus propias recetas, probablemente por su incomparable sabor y su distinguido aroma.  Sin embargo, para los que comparten la idea de que comprar aceite de oliva virgen podría resultar complicado se dirige el presente artículo, cuyo objetivo es propiciar un peregrinaje real hacia la salud.

Lo cierto es que el mercado del aceite de oliva se está ampliando hasta el punto de presentar un alcance internacional, pero hasta no hace demasiado tiempo los consumidores de algunas zonas concretas  registraban algunas dificultades para poder comprar aceite de oliva virgen. En ese sentido, cabe recordar que la mayoría de las recetas que se engloban en la dieta Mediterránea incluyen este producto, aunque los beneficios el aceite de oliva virgen están reconocidos en todo el mundo.

Comprar aceite de oliva virgen, a tu disposición, no importa dónde residas

Si no tienes por costumbre incluir este producto en tu lista de la compra o simplemente no lo encuentras en el supermercado, no tienes por qué preocuparte; ya que esta circunstancia está a punto de cambiar. De hecho, si no resides en un país mediterráneo, también tendrás la oportunidad de comprar aceite de oliva virgen. Los productores de aceite han descubierto que las nuevas tecnologías constituyen la oportunidad perfecta para comercializar el producto y compartir su tesoro: el oro líquido. Por tanto, no tienes más que emplear tu ordenador para contribuir en el equilibrio de tu cuerpo.

Por otro lado, resulta curioso el tópico que suele atribuirse al aceite de oliva, que por norma general se considera como un producto caro. Sin embargo, ¡es falso! Es más, si se comparan los efectos que proporciona para la salud con su coste, probablemente la decisión se decante de inmediato. Seguramente, todos se decidirán a comprarlo, aunque la verdad es que el precio del aceite de oliva virgen es ligeramente superior al que presentan el resto de variedades, ya que se entiende que se trata de la calidad máxima.  Continue reading

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Buy extra virgin olive oil if you want a perfect health!

Buy extra virgin olive oil if your health is a priority , your heart and your taste will thank you

 olivia02-doctor       Maybe you could think the previous statement is just a slogan promoted by an olive oil production company, but it is a proven fact according to the experts. Anyway, if you take the golden liquid once, you are supposed to carry on using it in your recipes and meals, probably due to its special taste and aroma. However, you may think that you cannot buy extra virgin olive oil as easily as you would like; hence this article to help you in your pilgrimage to health.

Indeed, olive oil market is being expanded all over the world, but until very recently many consumers found it difficult to buy extra virgin olive oil in some areas. In this sense, it is important to remember that most of the Mediterranean diet recipes include this product, although extra virgin olive oil benefits are recognized  eveywhere.

Available, wherever you live

Imagine you are not used to selecting this product for your shopping list or you cannot find it at the supermarket. Do not worry, because this circumstance is about to change. In fact, if you do not live in a Mediterranean country, you can buy extra virgin olive oil too. Oil producers have realized that new technologies constitute a possibility for them to market and share their treasure: liquid health. So just use your computer and help your body. Continue reading

Cantidad recomendada de aceite de oliva virgen extra al día

Cantidad recomendada de aceite de oliva virgen extra al día

La cantidad recomendada de aceite de oliva virgen extra al día es un tema que preocupa a nutricionistas, dietistas y consumidores. Se sabe que el aceite de oliva virgen extra posee múltiples beneficios para la salud, pero se desconoce cual es la cantidad recomendada en nuestras dietas diarias.

Es sabido que el aceite de oliva virgen extra es muy beneficioso, pero está claro que un exceso podría ser contraproducente. Existen varias tesis al respecto, pero, sin duda, la más sostenida por expertos en nutrición y dietética es que la cantidad recomendada de aceite de oliva virgen extra no debería superar las 3 cucharadas soperas diarias.

Cantidad recomendada de aceite de oliva virgen extra al día

Esto no significa que debamos ingerir esas tres cucharadas en crudo; se presupone que esa cantidad es la empleada en nuestros platos y recetas diarias. Ahora bien, no ocurriría nada si decidimos aumentar ese consumo de manera razonable. Esto es, consumir cuatro cucharadas no supone ningún perjuicio. Se considera muy beneficioso su consumo, siempre y cuando, no superemos las seis cucharadas diarias. Entonces, los prejuicios de un consumo excesivo podrían empezar a notarse. Continue reading

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Recommended quantity of extra virgin olive oil in our diet


The recommended quantity of extra virgin olive oil in our diet is a matter that concerns nutritionists, dieticians and consumers. It is known that evoo has multiple beneficial properties for health, but yet it is not determined which the recommended quantity of extra virgin olive oil in our diet is.

It is known that evoo is beneficial, but it is clear that an excess could be counter-productive. There are several theses in this respect; the most supported one by nutritionists and dieticians is that the recommended quantity of extra virgin olive oil in our diet should not exceeded three tablespoons per day.

Recommended quantity of extra virgin olive oil in our diet

This does not mean that we should consume those three tablespoons as a row ingredient. It is supposed that also the evoo used for cooking counts. Although three tablespoons are recommended, this does not mean that if we decide to reasonably increase that quantity, it is going to hurt us. There is no problem if instead of consuming three tablespoons we consume four. The  evoo is very beneficial and there is no problem unless we exceed the quantity of six tablespoons. Then, the damage caused by the exceeding might appear. Continue reading

Recipes with extra virgin olive oil: Salmorejo from Córdoba

Recipes with extra virgin olive oil

Recipes with extra virgin olive oil

Recipes with extra virgin olive oil

The extra virgin olive oil is known by its multiple nutritional properties and its benefits for health. For this reason, its consumption is highly recommended. It is very important to include it in our diet as a raw ingredient or as part of a cooked dish. Today we are going to speak about a very good recipe due to its content in vegetables and extra virgin olive oil: Spanish salmorejo. There are lots of recipes with extra virgin olive oil and about Salmorejo in Spain, because this is a very well known dish, but today we are going to present only the most common. Continue reading

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Recetas con aceite de oliva virgen extra: Salmorejo cordobés

Recetas con aceite de oliva virgen extra

Recetas con aceite de oliva virgen extra

El aceite de oliva virgen extra es conocido sobre todo por sus propiedades nutricionales y sus beneficios para la salud y por ello es muy recomendable su consumo en la dieta diaria, tanto como ingrediente crudo como cocinado. Por este motivo, hoy vamos a recomendar una buena receta que destaca por su gran concentración de nutrientes y sus beneficios para el organismo debido a las verduras e ingredientes utilizados: el salmorejo cordobés. Es importante recordar que existen numerosas y variadas recetas con aceite de oliva virgen extra y de salmorejo cordobés. Nosotros presentaremos tan sólo una de ellas. Continue reading

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