Montes De Granada olive oil is produced in the famous olive growing area of Granada province. This province is well known from the Arabian time for producing excellent quality olive oil. In Montes De Granada olive oil, the amount of oleic acid and essential nutrient with slightly bitter taste has made it perfect for any balanced diet. The variety of this olive oil is 80% from the Picual variety and the rest 15% taken from Loaime and Lucio. Hojiblanca and several other varieties have a contribution of around 5% in this virgin olive oil. Montes De Granada is the province, where this olive oil is mostly produced and the mountain range of this area is the perfect place. Several brands of this live oil are Oro Bailen, Aldea de don, etc.
Designation of Origin is responsible for looking over the production process of Montes De Granada olive oil. This regulation council allows the directly harvested olives from the trees to go in the extraction process. Varieties of Montes De Granada olive oil can change the taste of oil. Deep green and greenish yellow are two different colors of this olive oil vary due to the seasoning as well as varieties. Designation covered olives are very fresh, aromatic, slightly bitter and rich in taste. Montes de Granada is situated at the southern part of the country and all of the varieties of Montes De Granada olive grow in the Designation protected area.
Degree of ripeness can determine the bitterness as well as the sweetness of Montes De Granada olive oil. Picual variety is predominant and its greenish color prevails in the olive oil. The present of other varieties in this olive oil can temper the attribute as well as flavor and colors. The amount of oleic acid in Montes De Granada olive oil is about 80% and sometimes this amount can be higher than 83%. This olive oil is very stable in chemical mean. The components of this olive oil have made this oil resistant against oxidation in comparison with other olive oils.
The planting of these olive trees are completely dependent on the age of plantations. Winter, autumn and rainy season are the best time for capitalizing the olive trees. For preventing soil compaction and moisture loss, soil is turned over. Pruning is very much important for removing the unproductive shoots as well as branches. Irrigation system has great effect on the Montes De Granada olive oil quality. Farmers can regulate the growth of the olive trees using pruning. Fertilization is also important and farmers select the fertilization based on soil type and Montes De Granada olive oil variety.
For producing Montes De Granada olive oil, workers always take the olive trees to the mills just after picking up from the trees. Olives that fall on the ground are taken to the mill through different line and kept in separate category. This olive category will not be allowed to take into the extraction zone of product denomination of origin. When the extraction is finished, Montes De Granada olive oil will be stored in tanks made of stainless steel.